History & vision

Coleridge Cymru was formed to create missing links in British culture. We are based in Wales. We’ve grown quickly because people respond to the way we work. We’re applying to become a Charity under the purpose of Community Capacity Building.
In modern busy life many people aren’t accustomed to being listened to. But we listen carefully. We understand a philosophy of relationship that has been lost in many of our organisational cultures and public life.
People are relational beings. As we talk about this, and show it, people begin to remember what working together is all about. We create space for people, and grow confidence, and find or strengthen their capacities to build and live in stronger communities.
We provide person-centred facilitation, listening closely to you and your community or venture and help you to discover space for new things to happen.
Sometimes people ask us if we are a religious organisation because we’ve worked with faith communities. We’re not. We provide facilitation and work to stengthen people and communities to better host each other. Our work is grounded in the great American psychologist Carl Rogers whose work is secular. We also understand Coleridge – the remarkable British poet and theologian. Our grounding in the transformational work of Carl Rogers allows us to conduct facilitation in the area of faith and secular culture, in community, environment and education. Our work is for everybody. For every community that wants to grow and allow members to flourish.
You’ll find the story of how we began our offer and work in the following article from the Institute of Welsh Affairs Magazine from 2015.
Our community work is underpinned by insights from psychologist Carl Rodgers.