Pirates of Penarth – children’s treasure hunt


A family treasure hunt in the Kymin Wildlife Gardens, Penarth. Children up to the age of 11.

Come in costume!!!

It’s the Summer of Fun! Dress up as a pirate and explore the Kymin Wildlife Gardens, Penarth on an energetic active afternoon treasure hunt adventure.

For children up to 11 years, accompanied by an adult.

Limited places. Please book here on Eventbrite:

2.00 pmsold out!

2.30 pm    https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/pirates-of-penarth-tickets-400958867767

3.00 pm    https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/pirates-of-penarth-tickets-400961997127

Free event

Pirates of Penarth is designed and delivered by Coleridge Cymru in association with GPG Penarth as part of the Welsh Government’s Summer of Fun.

(Don’t forget to catch the open air performance of the comic opera The Pirates of Penzance performed in the Kymin Gardens on Thurs 25 August at 7 pm. Tickets for the opera are here )

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