Work with us

Coleridge Cymru is a small venture with a big vision. We’re applying to become a charity and have influenced how people think about community, landscape, economy, identity and human fulfilment – we’re helping to release energy, capacity, confidence and gratitude in the places where we live, work and come together.
We’ve achieved lots in the first few years ( take a peek at our work ) and it’s been done on shoestring budgets. We’ve proved our approach works and is brimming with success stories and potential. We’re now applying to become a Registered Charity under the purpose of Community capacity Building and we’re encouraging supporters and funders to come forward to help us grow the offer.
There are two ways to help:
- work with us – for charitable research, consultation, community development, conflict resolution, problem solving, strategic thinking and developing cultural offers. We always bring a fresh approach and energies to difficult or stale situations.
- fund us – if you can directly help with charitable funding we’d be delighted. To discuss ways in which you or your organisation can financially help this sparkling, vital approach and celebration of our human capacities, please get in touch. We need people of vision and money to help our work. Speak directly to the founder and chief exec of Coleridge Cymru, Richard, on 07974 39 7771. If this applies to you, thank you.